Friday, July 1, 2011

Get out and play this Sunday, July 3

Commerce City has declared Sunday, July 3, as "Play Day" in Commerce City and encourages families to participate in the free events that will be offered as part of this year's 4th Fest Celebration at Dick's Sporting Goods Park on Sunday.

Parking lots surrounding the stadium open at 4 p.m. and the Playful City USA logoevents get under way at 5 p.m. outside the south end of the stadium. Some of the activities will include a climbing wall, human foosball, obstacle course, mechanical bull, quad trampoline and jump castle.

Although geared toward youngsters, taking time out to play is something that can benefit people of all ages. That's why the City Council is encouraging all residents to get outside Sunday and enjoy the many local amenities including parks, trails and open spaces, playgrounds and golf course. In addition to the award-winning Buffalo Run Golf Course, the city has 17 developed parks totaling 113 acres, 15 park shelters for rental and 24 miles of developed trails.